Hilda Markson Gray


What first inspired my watercolour journey was receiving the first prize for 2 of my paintings at the Central Ontario Art Association juried show in 1992. “Wow!” Now I was hooked!

 2002 was the year I was elected into the Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolour.  What followed were many more juried shows and awards (see my bio on my website).                        

It was also great fun teaching “Design and Colour” at Mohawk College in Hamilton for 8 years (also “Collage and Mixed Media”).  I realized how much I enjoyed seeing the “wonder of discovery” in students’ eyes as they found their artistic voices through experimentation and challenges.

 For several years I was a potter, mucking about in lovely stoneware clay and throwing pots on the wheel. Even now I cannot resist the siren call of beautiful hand crafted pottery.

 Currently I belong to several art groups in London and also teach watercolour painting. Although watercolour is my main medium, I also work with oils and acrylics. I love plein air painting, gardening, nature, and am drawn to positive, creative people.

 Website: Hilda Markson Gray



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