Heather Peel

Heather Peel

I love to learn new and creative ways to create art whether it’s abstract acrylics to very detailed, realistic watercolour paintings.  Man-made structures such as windmills and old houses as a focal point are favourite subjects and I love painting anything with water or rocks!.  I have been pushing myself to paint more people and animals in my work as well.  Cycling and paddling are two favourite things to do and get a lot of inspiration from what I see when outdoors.

I find watercolour is the most challenging and rewarding medium for me to work in, but I’m always trying new mediums and techniques.  I’ve taken several classes with watercolour instructors Hilda Markson Gray and Wendy Jennings and have so much more to learn!

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/HeatherPeelArt/

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