London Community Artists

2020 Art Challenges

Topic – Flora and Fauna

WINNER:   Marlene Linton

Marlene Linton Art Challenge Nov 2020

Marlene Linton Art Challenge Winner – Nov 2020

Topic – Changing Seasons

WINNER:   Wendy Pulham

Wendy Pulham - Winner October Art Challenge 2020

Wendy Pulham – Winner October Art Challenge 2020

Topic – Action

WINNER:   Lisa Chiborak

Lisa Chiborak - Winner September Art Challenge 2020

Lisa Chiborak – Winner September Art Challenge 2020

Topic – Light and Shadow

WINNER:   Joan Hall

Joan Hall - Winner August 2020 Art Challenge

Joan Hall – Winner August 2020 Art Challenge

Topic – Once Upon a Time

WINNER:   Tina Rae

Tina Rae - Winner July 2020 Art Challenge

Tina Rae – Winner July 2020 Art Challenge

Topic – New Beginnings – June 2020

WINNER: Wendy Jennings

Wendy Jennings - Winner June 2020 Art Challenge

Wendy Jennings – Winner June 2020 Art Challenge

Topic – Structures – May 2020

WINNER: Bill Stephens

Bill Stephens - Winner May 2020 Art Challenge

Bill Stephens – Winner May 2020 Art Challenge

Topic – The Triad and its nuances – April 2020

WINNER: Donna Larkin

Donna Larkin - Winner April 2020 Art Challenge

Donna Larkin – Winner April 2020 Art Challenge

Triad Challenge Criteria

Choose your primary colours for the mood you want to create.
(Some example below may save you some time in experimentation, however; choosing your own triad works as long as they are toned equally)

Use only the three primaries that you chose. With these three pigments, you can make all the secondary and tertiary colours and many other nuances of the original three. All the colours your create will work! And each pallet will create a different mood.

Have lots of fun! Try other primary combinations if you have time. Remember to bring the triad combination you used and include it with your painting for the challenge on March 16.

STANDARD -new gamboge, French ultra marine, cadmium red
INTENSE – lemon yellow, phthalo blue, crimson
BRIGHT EARTH -raw Sienna, browen madder, indigo
OLD MASTERS -yellow ochre, burnt Sienna, Paynes grey
OPAQUE -yellow ochre, Indian red, cerulean blue
DELI CATE – lemon yellow light, colbalt blue, rose madder

Member Art Challenge – open to LCA members only. London Community Artists would like to invite all its members to participate in this challenge. This event is meant to inspire while also encouraging participation by all our members. Note: Each member may win only once during the calendar year but are encourages to continue showing pieces at future Challenges!

The subject is normally announced at previous meeting and is open to your interpretation of the topic. You can win a prize – submitted pieces are voted on by members in attendance by secret ballot. The painting or photo should be no bigger than 8“ X 10”. The winner will receive a small prize (probably something art related of course). Stay tuned for future challenges.



2021 Art Challenges

2022 Art Challenges